Stupid Steeler Question

I’ll submit my first blog by making fun of myself.
It involves me, a Pittsburgh Steeler, and an embarrassing question.
Last January, Action News did our whole show from Heinz Field.
We were there to bring you the Super Bowl sendoff pep rally live.
Very Exciting!
I took my seven year old son with me…. and dressed him in his favorite player’s jersey: Jeff Reed.
The rally was spectacular. We were right next to Dan and Pat Rooney and they looked just as excited as my son.
Just as the players were leaving the stage Jeff Reed spotted my son’s jersey and walked over to say hi.
Since we were still on the air I decided to ask him a few quick questions. After the first few …. this came out:

Me: “Since you’re the kicker, are you worried about the weather in Detroit?”
Jeff: “Um, well, since we’re in a dome weather won’t be a factor.”
Me: (Silence)

Yes. We were still live on television. Jeff was gracious and quickly changed the subject to help me out. But my “friends” weren’t that gracious and and you can’t imagine how many called to make fun of me.
“Hey, Michelle, maybe you should have ask Jeff if he was worried an opened door in Detroit would affect his kick.”
“maybe the heating vents could cause a draft… Jeff should prepare”
Then a couple of days before the Super Bowl… my phone at work rang.

Me: “Hello.”
Caller: “Hi Michelle. This is Jeff Reed.”
Me: “Riiiiiight …. and I’m Condoleezza Rice. Who is this really?”
Caller: “(laughing) It’s really Jeff. “
Me: “Sure it is. Is this Art Carr (Action News photographer/constant prankster)? I’m working on a story right now. Call back and make fun of me later.”
Caller: I just called to say don’t let that question about the weather bother you. I’m sure you were distracted by everything happening at the pep rally. It’s no big deal. I ran into your camera crew in this restaurant and thought I should call.”
Me: “This is NOT Jeff.”
Caller: “Hey, they’re taking a cell phone picture of me talking to you right now to prove it’s me.”

*** (phone picture comes across of Jeff Reed talking to me) ***

Me: ” Oh. It is you. Well, ONCE AGAIN, let me apologize for embarrassing myself. And let me thank you for coming over to shake my son’s hand. That was nice. He’ll never forget it.”
Jeff: “No problem.”
Me: “Good luck in the DOME.”